Choose Your Subscription Model
The Discretionary subscription solution is orientated towards active capital allocators. In the Discretionary Mode, traders have the opportunity to continuously monitor and manage their independent trading opportunities and risk profiles.
Traders whose accounts access the Discretionary solution will benefit from the opportunity to develop an independant version of the PLTFXAlgo trading model, whilst being able to increase and decrease their capital deployment to fit their own personal risk profiles.
In the Discretionary mode, PLTFX have developed a market solution which allows traders to actively assess market opportunity alerts provided in the PLTFXAlgo App. These alerts are offered with additional statistical information which allows traders to identify the highest probability outcomes and execute seamlessly in their own MT4 & MT5 trading accounts.
The Automatic subscription solution is orientated towards traders seeking passive income. This subscription model is designed for those who don't have the requisite time to actively monitor and manage risk capital in the financial markets.
Traders who subscribe to the Automatic subscription solution will benefit from the opportunity to develop an independant version of the PLTFXAlgo trading model, whilst being able to increase and decrease their capital deployment to fit their own personal risk profiles.
The Automatic option allows traders to link their live trading account to the PLTFXAlgo App and all trades identified by their PLTFXAlgo model will be automatically replicated in their MT4 or MT5 trading account. PLTFX have no access to subscriber trading accounts meaning traders may withdraw trading privileges at their own discretion and without notice.